Have You Struggled With Unhappiness For A Long Time?


  • Do difficulties in your relationships leave you feeling chronically worried, sad or frustrated?
  • Are you struggling to find ways to make positive changes in your life?
  • Is your motivation gone – even to do the things you used to enjoy?
  • Do you feel isolated, like no one can really understand or help you?

Challenges in your relationships, from those with your significant other to those with family members or coworkers, can leave you feeling isolated or even hopeless. You may move through each day doing what you think you are supposed to do or have to do, but struggle to feel good about any of it. You may go to bed unsatisfied and unfulfilled, feeling like you just wrote off another day in your life. You may begin to wonder if the decisions you made in the past were the right ones, as you didn’t think your life would be like this. It can be hard to make a change when you don’t feel like you know who you really are or what you want to do. Perhaps you are aware that you are chronically worried, stressed or depressed, but you are struggling to find ways to adapt yourself or your behavior. You may have turned to substance abuse to cope with or escape the daily challenges that overwhelm you. Are you tired of feeling unhappy all the time and wish you could find increased clarity, insight and a more peaceful path forward?


Everyone Goes Through a Time When They Feel Stuck or Unsatisfied

We all face periods in our lives when we don’t feel quite right. Countless individuals struggle with anxiety, fear that their marriage is in trouble, or want to figure things out but don’t know who they can turn to. Others have trouble getting started in life, often while they are in college or just out of college. Many adults feel that something is missing in their lives, although they have trouble identifying exactly what. They may begin to wonder how their life would have turned out had they made different decisions.

Sometimes we feel trapped in our circumstances and need a little help getting unstuck. Unfortunately, our culture emphasizes us being independent and separate and overcoming our challenges by ourselves. But, this isn’t how real people experience growth. We feel better and more hopeful when we make connections with others. Thankfully, you don’t have to navigate your uncertainties, frustrations and discontent on your own. With the help of an experienced adult counseling therapist, you can begin to better understand yourself, feel more confident in your decisions and find more joy in your life.


Adult Counseling Can Help You Lead a Happier, More Hopeful Life

When you have a therapist who truly believes that you can change and grow, and when you are committed to changing things in your own life, adult counseling can be incredibly effective. At Alkira, every one of our therapists operates from a place of hope, offering support and guidance to help you better understand your situation, goals and needs. This is an essential step in learning how to take care of yourself and relate to others. When you have a better relationship with yourself and those you care about, you can begin to feel less isolated and more hopeful again. With this newfound support system, you can begin making different, more confident decisions.

In our initial sessions we will work together to identify your goals and develop insights that can help us understand the problems you are facing. When you can recognize and understand harmful patterns of thought or behavior, you can begin breaking free of or changing those patterns. We utilize behavioral-type homework assignments to help you apply what we have discussed in our sessions to your daily life. In this way, you take an active role in creating the change you want to see.

At Alkira, we have 20-years of expertise and experience working with individuals on their personal growth and development. We have seen how effective adult counseling can be when you are committed to positive change. Our therapists have experienced the pain of relationship and emotional difficulties, and we have all suffered from loss and hardship. These shared struggles help us to be more sensitive and understanding to the challenges you are dealing with. When you come in to Alkira, you can be confident you are sitting down with a compassionate, experienced professional who understands your situation and can help you find your way through it.

With adult counseling, you can start feeling better about yourself. With the willingness to take healthy risks, explore who you are and who and how you want to be, and make positive changes that support your goals, it is possible to live a satisfying and empowered life.


But you may still have questions or concerns about adult counseling…


I’ve heard adult counseling takes a long time. Won’t that be expensive?

While it is true that some individuals benefit from long term adult counseling, at Alkira we understand your needs and goals are unique to your situation. Your timeline for growth and development may be different from others. That being said, it is important to remember that lasting change often takes time, and counseling is an investment in yourself. Additionally, taking care of yourself now can prevent costly issues down the road.


My schedule doesn’t allow for weekly counseling sessions…

We try to offer flexible scheduling whenever we can, including sessions during the evenings and on Saturdays. We understand that scheduling can be difficult, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. If you have specific questions about scheduling, please call us at 315 492-1390 or email us at alkiratherapy@gmail.com to discuss your concerns.


I can’t take time for myself. There are too many other people relying on me…

We all have responsibilities to others, from our family members and friends to co-workers and peers. But it is important to remember that the less we take care of ourselves, the less we will be able to take care of those we care about. Taking one or two hours each week is a small, but very important commitment to yourself and your well-being.


You Can Feel Confident and Happy Again

If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss any questions you have regarding adult counseling, we are available at 315 492-1390 or alkiratherapy@gmail.com. We return all calls and emails within 24 business hours.